Senior Services

Adult Protection

24-Hour Crisis Line
Crisis Call Center's 24-hour crisis line is to provide a safe, non-judgmental source of support for individuals in any type of crisis. In addition to the crisis hotline, crisis intervention is also available through text message. Services include: 24-hour help hotline, suicide prevention, child abuse reporting, elder abuse reporting, substance abuse and additional resources.
Agency: Crisis Call Center
Contact: 1.800.273.8255

Adult Protective Services

Marshall County Social Services assists residents with adult protection matters such as intervention, prevention and resolution of elder abuse and neglect.
Agency: Marshall County Social Services
Contact: 218.745.5124

Marshall County Sheriff's Department assists residents with adult protection matters such as intervention, prevention and resolution of elder abuse and neglect.
Agency: Marshall County Sheriff
Contact: 218.745.5411

Domestic Violence Advocacy
24-hour crisis call toll-free line, assistance with protection orders, accompaniment to court proceedings, referral to other local agencies for legal and health issues, safety planning, and group support sessions. Also providing community and school education presentations. All services free and confidential.
Agency: Violence Intervention Project
Contact: 1.800.660.6667

Sexual Assault Advocacy
24-hour crisis call toll-free line, accompaniment to sexual assault Emergency Room exam, support during legal proceedings, referral to other local agencies for legal and health issues, safety planning, and group support sessions. Also providing community and school education presentations. All services free and confidential.
Agency: Violence Intervention Project
Contact: 1.800.660.6667